Wednesday, November 26, 2008

i miss singing!
i miss eating sushi with the girls!
i miss those times!
i'm craving for kbox!
i'm craving for strawberries and cherry tomatoes!
i'm craving for a gathering!(as in a real outing for play and enjoy only. although meeting up is good enough, i'm greedy)

i'm deprived....... =/
I can't believe myself.. first minute, i'm experiencing bad moods, stress and craziness maybe emo-ness too but the next minute,......
I had the weirdest dream.. a sweet one though~ =) God is as kind as ever..
*not sharing, else it won't come true~ =x*

Anw, I felt super empty in the bus today. Throughout the ride, i plugged in my earpiece and stared blankly out of the window. nothing went through my mind. Nothing~ i don't know what's happening.. =/

[This isn't me, am i possessed?]

Monday, November 24, 2008

I love long walk~ =)
relaxing, peaceful and cooling despite my muscle aches. =s

Saturday, November 22, 2008

ytd, went to school for projs den after which, met up with sini and head down to cp starbucks for chilling n studying.. mel, alicia and gen joined us after a while. haha.. chilling with the girls has always been so cool n relaxing~ =)

As for this morning, met out with tine and sini to gym~ =D sweat it out man!
Went home after gym-ing den met out again for lunch n window shopping around town. hahah.. left at bout 6 as i have to rush to grandma's birthday dinner. =D HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHMA~ =D Once again, cousins gathering freezes everyone who's present. Haha~! Filled with cold jokes n laughters.. cool cool~ shall end here. =D

*Currently, Enjoying my red wine and watching my relatives play wii(with mic, drum and guitar lei! cool~).. =D*

Thursday, November 20, 2008

omg~~~ i am sososo bloody broke~~~ =/
it's been so long since i have this problem. guess it's time to start saving and spending lesser than usual..
aww man~~ i dun like!

anw, went jogging late at night ytd with sis's bf.. nearing midnight.. lol! kind of forced him to go.=x super shiok! same distance but much faster pace! =DD

Monday, November 17, 2008

some random pictures taken during short meet-ups with tine..

2 more pics to add on sini's birthday..

this is before we met her.
well, went for work ytd.. and i can only say I love this job.. flexible timings, good bosses and friends. =D was working outside Tangs and tine was working at fareast. Met out to walk around for awhile then back to work. after which, met her again and went home tgt. =D pictures taken.. update it once dat kuku send me.. =)

here's the pictures from ice-cream making day~


some pics from botanical garden trip.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I can't believe myself. I just mopped my whole house! woohoo~
Clean and happy. =D
praise me people! =x

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ooh.. it's my first time staying in sg without my beloved family.. =/
Kind of insecure but at the same time, new experience. whatever.. glad that they will be back tml~ =D
When no one's home, i'll get paranoid(fearing tht my house might catch fire when i'm out. =.=)
Papa's reminder:
1. Close all windows before going out (if not i'll have to swim to my room if it rains.)
2. Feed my fish( a little will do. it's on diet, that's wad papa says)
3. Off all electrical appliances
4. Lock the doors and RMB TO BRING KEY!(if not i will be homeless)
I have to take care of all these.. BOO~~ ok cool~
oh ya! and number
5. Remember to eat!

I've been sleep-walking recently. *yawns* i need a 24-hrs sleep! wahahaha~!
people~ where's all my pictures ar? lol~

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cool weekends~

Well, I have yet to wish Sinni Happy birthday on blog.. So here i am~ HAPPY 18th Birthday SINNI! =D

Went for school, den headed home to bath and change. Met mel n tine at PS first den walked over to TAKA to look for sinni, cam, carrie, sinwei, jeremy, and carrie's friend. After which, cabbed down to Phuture. haha!
Celebrated her birthday there.. gosh.. PHUTURE leh~ haha.. my first time k...
Kind of cool~ haha.. hope she enjoyed it! Danced, drank, chat, played. =D Den slacked with carrie. Walked from hougang to sengkang OK?! not bad rite? haha.. Reached home at 6 plus den slept at 7.

my cool friend! =D

birthday girl!



US! =D

8 hours later..............
I FORCED MYSELF UP as it was my sis's house warming.. Was supposed to help her in the morning but i was just too tired~~! haha.. Went home at 1 plus and slept at 2.

8 hours later..............,
woke up and headed to SENTOSA! WEE~~ im suffering from minor sunburn~ =/
*Pictures will be up soon once i receive it~!=D

During lesson: PISANGS!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

LOL! went jogging with tine ytd and it was a blast! hit our target!=D after which, went home and when i was about to bath sm called.. asking if i want to join a bunch of rara friends for a movie. so i agreed.. watched the show called lakeview terrace as there wasn't any nice seats for the one we were supposed to watched. AND i have only one word to describe the movie.. BORING! hahahah~~ i'll rate it 3.5/10.. yawns*

WEll, i went ICE SKATING with my cousins today!! WEEE~~~ it was my first time and luckily, i did not fall down. haha.. anw, i would prefer it to be less crowded cause there wasn't much space for you to skate around.. You can only go one way, if not the "man" will *beep beep beep* you. LOL! lots of photos taken.. will post it up asap.. =D

I want to ice skate again!

*(OH! A freaking lizard almost caused my death 3 days ago! =.=)*

Was holding onto a pillar looking down at the 1st level when a lizard suddenly ran up! OMGosh! i was freaking scared! it was SO bloody near me!!! I jumped back a few steps, tripped and almost fall as there's a step behind.. phew.. i've only got a minor scratch on my hand.. HAHA! damn it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

short meetup~
photos again~! =D

WEE~~ the lighting is nice! will change one man~

Retard 1, 2 and 3! lol~ val shall be the 4th! LOL~~