Sunday, November 2, 2008

LOL! went jogging with tine ytd and it was a blast! hit our target!=D after which, went home and when i was about to bath sm called.. asking if i want to join a bunch of rara friends for a movie. so i agreed.. watched the show called lakeview terrace as there wasn't any nice seats for the one we were supposed to watched. AND i have only one word to describe the movie.. BORING! hahahah~~ i'll rate it 3.5/10.. yawns*

WEll, i went ICE SKATING with my cousins today!! WEEE~~~ it was my first time and luckily, i did not fall down. haha.. anw, i would prefer it to be less crowded cause there wasn't much space for you to skate around.. You can only go one way, if not the "man" will *beep beep beep* you. LOL! lots of photos taken.. will post it up asap.. =D

I want to ice skate again!

*(OH! A freaking lizard almost caused my death 3 days ago! =.=)*

Was holding onto a pillar looking down at the 1st level when a lizard suddenly ran up! OMGosh! i was freaking scared! it was SO bloody near me!!! I jumped back a few steps, tripped and almost fall as there's a step behind.. phew.. i've only got a minor scratch on my hand.. HAHA! damn it.


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